So, I sit here, working on homework (well, not this VERY second, I am updating my blog...something I am hoping to do more often)... and I realize that tomorrow I have work AND school. I will be out of the house from around 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. Not only will I have to figure out breakfast and lunch, but also dinner. This is always a trick. Especially since I always end up feeling like a chicken with my head cut off. I start off with the best of intentions, I really do. But somehow, things get away from me and I end up with Instant Lunch and a granola bar. This past weekend I purchased some lovely croutons and Caesar salad dressing, romaine lettuce, with all intentions of having some beautiful salads...I forgot chicken. Now, I could go out and get some chicken, but really, I am not going to cook it. It is already 4:00. I need to work on my paper. So, there that goes. I suppose I could have it without chicken, but then it is hardly dinner. I guess it is a good thing I like instant lunch and granola bars.
Posted by
3/21/2011 04:09:00 PM
I'm a feminist. So?
Yes. I am a feminist. Why aren't you?
I read Bitch Magazine.
I vote.
I believe I should get paid the same amount as any man.
I also believe men should get paternity leave.
I used to try to ignore the things that bothered me...the ads and posters that objectified women. I am over it. I will now speak out.
Why? Because I am a feminist. I am proud.
Why aren't you?
Posted by
3/20/2011 08:47:00 PM
What is your favorite lame kids joke? (e.g.: Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine!)
What is your favorite lame kids joke? (e.g.: Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine!)
Answer here
Posted by
2/02/2011 12:41:00 PM
Who is smarter now...
Do you ever want to stand up and yell “Its not BRAIN SURGERY PEOPLE??” Just curious… cause sometimes I have that reaction.
But then I remind myself that not everyone is a rocket scientist, because then there would be nobody to bag my groceries. Then I think about the guy who bagged my groceries last time. I get upset because they put my laundry detergent on top of my bread and again logic fails me.
#1. Ya don’t put heavy stuff on top of soft stuff; it mushes. It would be like putting a cinderblock on top of the eggs. Which I wouldn't put beyond this guy.
#2. NEVER put food stuff in with chemicals. For the same reason you don’t put fresh fruit in with raw chicken. Its basic food safety.
This isn’t string theory. You don’t need to be a physicist to understand!
And see? Now I am all worked up again. And so now we are all bagging our own food after we checked out our own groceries because they realized that if they just did it wrong for long enough, we would get fed up enough do it for them.
So who is the real genius if you think about it…
Posted by
9/15/2010 08:18:00 PM
School and Stuff
So, check it out:
I have my school blog up and running!
Kid's Books...
Posted by
9/07/2010 09:19:00 PM