Yummy Yummy Yummy...

I've got sushi in my tummy.

My poppers and I went to Hayashi for dinner. It was nummy. I ate too much.... However at least I didn't follow it with a Krispy Kreme Donut like my father. Silly Poppers went to get a cup of coffee and he had to go in, so he could get his coffee card punched, and they offer you a free one while you are in line. Hmmmm, Donut.

moved from my ebloggy site 1/20/06

Less than 20 shopping days...

Yeah. I said it. Christmas is coming. Eeek. I am so not ready. I'v got maybe 1/8th of my shopping done. I have no clue what I am getting most of the people on my list. If I don't have it by next Tuesday, I am just making an order from Amazon.com. If I cannot order it from Amazon.com, then I am just going to start giving rolls of quarters wrapped in funny socks from Target.

moved from my ebloggy 1/20/06

December 1st is World Aids Day

Today is World AIDS Day.

Why should we care? Well, because this disease is spreading even though is completely preventable.

There are over 40 million people living with AIDS today. That is 40,000,000. That is 40 million people too many.
Support World AIDS Day

moved from my ebloggy site 1/20/06