I am baking chocolate chip cookies. There are two reasons I love baking when nobody is home for two reasons.
1. Because when people come in the house, they make that Ooooh, Cookies! Smells good! sound when they walk in the door.
and two?
I always get the first oooey gooey cookie out of the oven. It always tastes the best!
SyFy changed its name today
New Name for Old Channel?
So, I was completely out of the loop on this one. This apparently is old news, but I was watching the tube with the folks (special thanks to Poppers for fixing the lamp on the thing!) and I noticed that Sci-Fi channel is now calling itself SyFy. Okay, I can totally understand the marketing arguments, I can also understand those who are saying they changed their name because the channel is mostly poo with a tiny sprinkle of science fiction on top.
Maybe if they spent half as much on the shows as they do on those silly self promotion ads for the channel you are currently watching they might have some decent programming.
Then again, maybe not.
I do find it somewhat irritating. I don't like change.