Do you ever want to stand up and yell “Its not BRAIN SURGERY PEOPLE??” Just curious… cause sometimes I have that reaction.
But then I remind myself that not everyone is a rocket scientist, because then there would be nobody to bag my groceries. Then I think about the guy who bagged my groceries last time. I get upset because they put my laundry detergent on top of my bread and again logic fails me.
#1. Ya don’t put heavy stuff on top of soft stuff; it mushes. It would be like putting a cinderblock on top of the eggs. Which I wouldn't put beyond this guy.
#2. NEVER put food stuff in with chemicals. For the same reason you don’t put fresh fruit in with raw chicken. Its basic food safety.
This isn’t string theory. You don’t need to be a physicist to understand!
And see? Now I am all worked up again. And so now we are all bagging our own food after we checked out our own groceries because they realized that if they just did it wrong for long enough, we would get fed up enough do it for them.
So who is the real genius if you think about it…
Who is smarter now...
Posted by
9/15/2010 08:18:00 PM
School and Stuff
So, check it out:
I have my school blog up and running!
Kid's Books...
Posted by
9/07/2010 09:19:00 PM
Family...with a capital F.
I feel like I need to write about family today. To remember why they are important and why we love them. Possibly it is because I have spent a lot of time lately with a particular member of my family that is difficult to like, but I still love. Perhaps that is why family is so important in the end... even when they don't like you so much, when you fail, after you have said some stupid hurtful things, they will still be there for you. Nobody is perfect. We all have flaws, we all make mistakes, and without family to pick us up, help us out, life would be intolerable.
I am lucky. While my physical family is quite small compared to many, the number of those I consider family is quite large.
I think today is a good day to count our blessings of friends and family and remember that even those who drive us nuts and make us crazy, try to think of one reason we love them, even if that reason is only because they are family and we HAVE to.
Posted by
8/28/2010 05:26:00 PM
I feel OLD...
So, I found this link on twitter and it got me to thinking of some other things that this year's college freshman may not know or ways they are different... It truly is different.
They have never known a world without the Internet.
They have never known a world without cellular phones.
They likely have never had a walkman...or a cassette tape.
Condoms have always been advertised on TV and the radio. have prescription drugs.
The Gulf War was history, not memory.
NAFTA has always existed.
Who is Anita Hill?
There has never been an X rating.
The Simpsons has always been on TV.
Princess Diana was never 'happy' with Prince Charles.
Waco is synonymous with cult instead of electric kool-aid... which is unfortunate because it was actually drugged grape Flavor-Aid that was used by Jim Jones.
Michael Jackson was always an 'alleged' pedophile.
Don't Ask Don't Tell has always been the policy for gays in the military. No wonder we are sick of it.
Leno has always hosted The Tonight Show.
They have always had Microsoft Windows.
Rap music has always been played on top 40 radio stations.
In 1992 the base price for a Toyota Corolla was $9,718.
A stamp cost $0.29.
A gallon of gas was $1.05.
Knowing now what I didn't then? Priceless.
Posted by
8/17/2010 08:55:00 PM
What has been bugging me
A consortia is a group of organizations that group together to achieve a common goal. Many libraries are part of a consortium to provide a larger number of resources for the members. Many times, those who benefit from the consortium aren't even aware it exists.
So here comes the drag.
North Suburban Library System. It is the consortium that the libraries in Lake County, IL belonged to, as well as a few in the surrounding counties. They handled the inter-library loan. They provided programming for continuing education for the librarians. They helped negotiate lower costs for subscriptions to electronic databases.
This is now all in the past tense.
The governor of Illinois has cut the budget so deep that there is no more money for libraries. NSLS has shut its doors. Most people won't notice right away. They will when they need a book that isn't at their local library. Last month, that book was a phone call or a mouse click away. NSLS would arrange for it to be delivered to the nearest branch. Next month? You're on your own. They will notice when their children 'forgot' there was a report due tomorrow and the library closed twenty minutes ago. Now? Hop online and access one of the databases available from home. Next year? Who knows? There may not be as many options.
This is the beginning of the end. When will people see that a community without a strong library is a poor community? A good library indicates a good school system.
So now I write. I try to remind those who don't know. I will send letters. Real paper. E-mails. Postcards. Will you?
Posted by
6/28/2010 09:37:00 PM
Apple Junkie
Yep, that is me. I am an Apple FanGirl. I have currently sitting here writing this on my MacBook, with my iPad at my side, I have my iPod in my purse and my shuffle charging in my room. I used to be a PC but I am SO over it. I have seen the light and will NEVER go back.
I do have other stuff to write about but I need to compose those thoughts a little further. It involves budgets and politics and all that craziness.
Posted by
6/23/2010 06:47:00 PM
My latest 'school' related purchase.
Yes, I used school as my excuse. And yes, I will use it for school because I can read all those pdf files on it. I am averaging 3-4 a week for my class... So yeah, I mostly got it for school.
Posted by
2/14/2010 11:50:00 AM
30 Beautiful Old Bird Books
30 Beautiful Old Bird Books
I came across this via ALA Direct and felt I should share it with you. It is a collection of beautiful bird books. How could I not pass this link on? It combines my favorite things!! Birds and Books! I do hope you enjoy them as much as I did. All three of you, my dedicated readers.
Posted by
1/17/2010 12:36:00 PM