There is a sign out front and everything. Its kinda surreal. Not quite sure what to do with it. I feel a bit out of it.
I grew up in this house. This is MY house. Of course, I get upset when they move my cube at work but I get over that quickly too. I am sure I will like the new place as well. I just need to move there and make it MY house.
my house is for sale.
Posted by
11/28/2006 06:57:00 PM
I figured it out!!!
So I am so excited. I figured it out!!! When I am not home to keep an eye on my goose, I can keep an eye on my goose!!! I am not posting the url here because I have this whole thing about who will know when I am home and when I am not but those of you who want it and should have it, let me know and I will e-mail it to you! Its remote goose watching! This budgie is being monitered. One of my concerns about selling the house was keeping my Little Baby Goose safe. I don't trust people to treat him right. This way, I can keep an eye on him from work or Grandma Betty's or where ever. You see, he will soon be kept up in my room. When that happens, I will turn on my remote watching and I will be able to watch my goose. Now, this will ONLY be on when I feel like watching my goose. Don't get any pervy ideas. It may be on when I am making faces at Lily or whoever may be out there watching. But I do unplug it when I am not using it. I'm just excited. I figured out budgiecam!!! Teehee!
Posted by
11/17/2006 07:37:00 AM
It's official. We're moving.
My folks signed the contract today. Our house is going on the market. I have to pack up 20 years worth of crap and and get my room looking like someone normal lives here. I really am trying. Very VERY hard. I am just trying to repeat: I own my stuff. My stuff does not own me. I own my stuff. My stuff does not own me. Again. I own my stuff. My stuff DOES NOT own me. Maybe if I keep repeating it I will actually believe it and will be able to get rid of my stuff.
Especially since my HLM told me there was no way I could ever be buddhist because I like my stuff way too much. Go figure.
Posted by
11/11/2006 02:46:00 PM
House hunting...
So my mom is looking for a new house. Yes, I still live with my folks. I don't mind. I don't want to live alone. I think I would get lonely. Plus, the price is right. It is just a bit awkward. I mean, my dad doesn't want to move... I don't know if its that he really likes this house (which I don't think is possible) or that he doesn't want to move all our stuff... My mom wants to move because she has this fear of getting old and not being able to deal with the stairs and that also bugs me. I mean, she's not old. I don't want to move because then I would have to pack up all my crap and my god, do I have a lot of stuff. Its mind numbing when you think about how much crap you can accumulate when you live in the same house for 20 years. Ugh. I have a LOT of stuff. I really don't want to have to move it. Of course, I also think maybe it would be good. I can start new. there is something to be said for a clean slate. Fresh walls, a new space. The latest house she looked at she said I would get the smaller bedroom at the back of the house, ok? smaller? umm.. but then she also said I would get the finished basement as my office/lounge area... Its a HUGE basement. The closets aren't that great but the fact that I wouldn't need to keep my TV, Computer, Books, DVDs, CDs, Comics, all in my room along with all of my clothes would make a huge difference. Plus there is a jacuzzi tub in the bathroom and a hot tub out back. Someone liked jets. The kitchen was very nice. My mom said it was the type of kitchen for someone who does a lot of entertaining. She said we never entertain. I told her if we had a kitchen that would allow for entertaining, maybe we would. I told her that I have friends. I have people. I am not sure if she liked that idea or not. I don't know if I like that idea or not. Sometimes I wonder if I did something like that would it even work out. I'd like to think it would but it seems like I have those friends who tell me they will do something but then they forget or something better comes along and well, nothing happens. The "we'll do that next weekend," personally, I think that means we made plans. That is until I call and ask them and find out that they made other plans and so I have no plans because I turned down other plans assuming I had plans. Does that make sense? I guess not. I am babbling which I think is the whole point of a blog. Whatever.
Posted by
11/02/2006 04:59:00 PM
Why is it that....
So, I took the day off, just to bum around. I finally got all my summer stuff packed up and my winter stuff pulled up into my room. I realized 90% of my winter clothes are sweaters. What do sweaters equal? Static. Joy. So I thought I would run to target and fetch me a can of that anti static spray stuff. Now, keep in mind that I have not done anything today. I am wearing junky clothes, my hair is in a hat, I am in desperate need of a brow wax and my hair needs to be trimmed. I am sorta getting a she-mullet that is really unattractive. I am walking through target and I notice this guy, kinda familiar. Oh my goodness...its ****. (I'm not releasing the names out of pure shame). Now, I have had a crush on this guy since I was able to have crushes. I always had a thing for him. Now, no way in hell am I going to let him see me like that. I just turn down the aisle and go the long way around the store to get my anti static spray and move on. That worked great. Trauma avoided. Or at least I thought so. I pick up the last little thing I needed (watching carefully so I don't run into him) grab my packet of floss for work (be good to your gums!) and I head around the corner... Right into him. "Hi!" How are you...made some pleasant small talk and I really just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Ugh. why is it that when you look like crap, no make up, grungy t-shirt, two pimples, you run into that guy that you want to see you when you look fabulous. when you look fabulous he is no where to be found? I am never leaving the house looking like crap again...unless its just to Target to pick up one or two quick things.
Posted by
11/01/2006 05:50:00 PM