I figured it out!!!

So I am so excited. I figured it out!!! When I am not home to keep an eye on my goose, I can keep an eye on my goose!!! I am not posting the url here because I have this whole thing about who will know when I am home and when I am not but those of you who want it and should have it, let me know and I will e-mail it to you! Its remote goose watching! This budgie is being monitered. One of my concerns about selling the house was keeping my Little Baby Goose safe. I don't trust people to treat him right. This way, I can keep an eye on him from work or Grandma Betty's or where ever. You see, he will soon be kept up in my room. When that happens, I will turn on my remote watching and I will be able to watch my goose. Now, this will ONLY be on when I feel like watching my goose. Don't get any pervy ideas. It may be on when I am making faces at Lily or whoever may be out there watching. But I do unplug it when I am not using it. I'm just excited. I figured out budgiecam!!! Teehee!

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