Talking birds, etc...

So, there are some parakeets who talk up a storm, then there are others who just don't. I just assumed that BabyGoose never had anything to say. I am beginning to think he has been talking to me for awhile and I was the one who wasn't listening. I was sitting here, with my little pooper, watching some Parakeet videos on YouTube... no I am not kidding, he likes to do that, and I noticed that the birds who can talk do so very quickly and in a chattery sounding way that is difficult to understand. If you don't know what you are listening for, you wouldn't be able to understand it as it is often bracketed by other chirps. Goose makes those same chattery noises all the time. So, I have been listening to him more closely. Today, during dinner, I think I heard him say 'sip' and 'I love you.' After I heard what I think he said was 'sip' I gave him a sip of my juice. Sometimes he doesn't want a drink but he totally did that time. Maybe I am imagining it. I totally could be. There are a lot of phrases he could have learned from me. I will be listening for a "ni-night goose" at bedtime.

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